Forums - Does Qualcomm SNPE work on a linux board?

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Does Qualcomm SNPE work on a linux board?
Join Date: 8 Aug 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2020-08-08 23:52

I wish to get the qualcomm SNPE (snapdragon neural processing engine) working on my linux (not Android) board (flightPro w/ qualcomm 820.) . It works fine on the cpu.

I've successfully followed the examples provided to load alexnet onto my 820 board and run snpe (snpe-net-run) in cpu mode. It does not run in gpu mode.

Searching the web and forums (e.g., it seems that all (?) linux boards may be missing the opencl driver that would be required to make this work.

Following the example...

> snpe-net-run --container bvlc_alexnet.dlc --input_list target_raw_list.txt --use_gpu 

The selected runtime is not available on this platform. Continue 
anyway to observe the failure at network creation time. 


I expected the gpu to work (and hopefully, fingers crossed to be substantially faster than the cpu!)

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Join Date: 22 Jul 20
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2020-08-10 01:39

Hi, Sorry to bother you for non-relative problem, but can you teach me how to use snpe-net-run command?

I have followed this tutorial and got inception v3 dlc file.

However, when I test dlc file by command "snpe-net-run --container dlc/inception_v3.dlc --input_list data/cropped/raw_list.txt"

It shows "snpe-net-run: command not found". It seems that I miss some packages or dependecis, but I can't find any solution in the toturial.

Do you have any idea for this problem?

Any advice will be appreciated, thanks.



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Join Date: 4 Nov 18
Posts: 184
Posted: Thu, 2020-08-13 00:24

Hi frank.huang_1,

It looks like you missed to run the environment setup instructions, kindly follow the below instructions to solve your issue.
#Set the environment variables in the terminal

$ export SNPE_ROOT=<obsolute path to NPE sdk>
    Ex: export SNPE_ROOT=/home/user/git/QDN/snpe-1.37
$ export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=<obsolute path to android ndk>
    Ex: export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/home/sysadmin/git/QDN/snpe-1.37/android/Ndk/android-ndk-r21

#Execute the below enviroment setup script in NPE sdk folder
$ source ./bin/ -t <path to tensorflow>
    Ex: source ./bin/ -t /usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/tensorflow


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