Forums - Automotive Grade Linux Support

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Automotive Grade Linux Support
Join Date: 27 May 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2020-05-27 12:06

The reference documentation states that Ubuntu is required for a host machine to handle model conversion and optimization. I'm wondering whether actual inference on the target machine can be done on a s820am board that is running Automotive Grade Linux. I know the s820am board itself is supported, but I only see examples w/ Android.

Does anyone know?

Further, would the requirements of python 3.5 and TF/Caffe/ONNX be for the host machine running Ubuntu only? Or does the target device also have these requirements to run inference?

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Join Date: 4 Feb 20
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2020-05-27 23:14

Probably need to wait answer from of official Qualcom representative - they might have an official validation matrix and can say if they validated SNPE on that board.

But common sense says that to run binary you need to have satisfy several requirements

  1. Instructinon set in binary  should match processor instruction set. it seems it is satisfied
  2. ABI compatibiliy. I do not know what Automotive Grade Linux, if it is 32 or b4 bit version, and not sure which binaries could be used from snpe package - I see several directories which might satisfy. Need to try.
  3. it seems there should be DSP driver in the operating system. I have not seen any mentioning of it, it seems it is assumed that platform vendor should provide OS ready to be used on the board and get all hardware capabilities

Regarding the python - it is a requirements only for host. I suspect this requirement appeared due to pyhton binary module which is supplied in SNPE package: lib/python/snpe/dlc_utils/ which is compiled only for host running 64bit version of Linux


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