Forums - UserBufferSourceGLBuffer not working for GPU runtime

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UserBufferSourceGLBuffer not working for GPU runtime
Join Date: 4 May 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2020-05-25 02:19

Hi all,

My purpose is to optimize input buffer transfer to SNPE using UserBufferSource and pass in GL buffer for GPU runtime. I built the sample code for Android snpe-example as described in but it got execution error when GPU runtime and GL buffer mode were chosen.

It is plain SNPE code so nothing wrong was done from me. I also inspected and found no trace of it using gl or egl functions. It means SNPE does not support it. Why is it available in API and in sample code? Has it ever been supported? Will it be supported in the future?

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Join Date: 10 Mar 20
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2020-06-26 08:59

I would also like to know more about this issue please!

Does even support access to glbuffers on android?

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