Forums - AIP runtime error on SD855

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AIP runtime error on SD855
Join Date: 28 Dec 17
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2019-12-10 06:27


I am using SNPE 1.32 on two devices Oneplus 7 and Xaomi Mi 9 , both have SD855. All library paths are set correctly, and snpe-platform-validator reports that AIP runtime is available and functional. I have quantized my model with --enable_hta and the dlc info shows the AIP metadata being present, also all dimensions include the new  batch dimension - being set to 1. All layers are shown as having affinity for AIP_FIXED8_TF.

When I try to run my model on the AIP with snpe-net-run though, I get the following error:

./snpe-net-run  --container model.dlc --input_list ./model_inlist.txt --use_aip --debug                                                   
Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000
NPU User Driver: npu_read_info 0
Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000
error_code=909; error_message=DSP runtime invalid parameter. Failed to load network.  Error code: -4.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=336; thread_id=533173060936

All the other runtimes work successfully using the command above. Any info on what may be the cause of this  issue will be greatly appreciated! I couldn't find anything of note in the generated logcat.

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Join Date: 9 Dec 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2019-12-24 18:20

Hello kirov,

I have similar trouble when I load quantized model for AIP runtime in android studio like below.

E/npu_user_driver: Translating kernel ioctl error 25 to npu sts: -1000
E/libc: Access denied finding property "vendor.npu.usr_drv.log_mask"
E/npu_user_driver: npu_load_network failed
E/LoadNetworkTask: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=1410; error_message=AIP runtime system error. Failed to load network.  Error code: 10001.; error_component=AIP Runtime; line_no=684; thread_id=5187608056163

Did you solve this problem? If so, any information about this issue will be really appreciated.

Thank you.


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