Forums - caffe fast rcnn convert to dlc model issue

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caffe fast rcnn convert to dlc model issue
Join Date: 13 Sep 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2019-07-17 07:07

Hi , I have a fast-rcnn.prototxt and fast-rcnn.caffemodel and I used command :

$ snpe-caffe-to-dlc -c fast-rcnn.prototxt -b fast-rcnn.caffemodel -d fast-rcnn.dlc 

to generate dlc model.


This model have two input layers : data [1x3x224x224]  , im_info[1x1x1x3] ,

and three outputs which are cls_score[1x81] , bbox_pred[1x324] , cls_prob[1x81].


When I run this network , I can only get one output from 

zdl::DlSystem::TensorMap output_tensormap;

When I used setOutputLayers("cls_score","bbox_pred","cls_prob") it told me

error_code=204; error_message=Couldn't find name. None of the specified output layers exist!; error_component=Dl System; line_no=916; thread_id=140319638897280

and when I used setOutputTensorLayers("cls_score","bbox_pred","cls_prob") it told me
error_code=204; error_message=Couldn't find name. None of the specified output Tensors exist!; error_component=Dl System; line_no=983; thread_id=140208517300864
does anyone know how to get my three outputs out ? Thanks.
my snpe vesion is 1.27
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Join Date: 13 Mar 19
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2019-08-19 20:33

zdl::DlSystem::StringList output_layer_names = {};





have a try.

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