Forums - How to use HVX when running a dlc with UDL

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How to use HVX when running a dlc with UDL
Join Date: 14 Apr 19
Posts: 23
Posted: Wed, 2019-05-22 21:27
My question: How to use HVX when running a .dlc file with User Defined Layer ? Does SNPE provide interface to programmer to generate the HTA section to .dlc file ? 
I have a caffe model with interp layer which is not supported by SNPE. So I wrote a User Defined Layer for interp and convert it to .dlc file.
I run it on 855 cpu/gpu/dsp runtime and the result is right.  But the network does not run on HVX on dsp runtime, it runs on dsp from SNPEDiag_0.log info.
So I try adding "--enable_hta" option.
When I use command "snpe-dlc-quantize" with or without "--enable_hta" to quantize the network it occurs error msg:
$ snpe-dlc-quantize --input_dlc dlc/my.dlc --input_list target_raw_list.txt --output_dlc tmp.dlc
[ERROR] 1102 | Failed to obtain udl derived instance for layer conv4b_pool1_interp
[ERROR] Failed to obtain udl derived instance for layer conv4b_pool1_interp
It seems that SNPE does not support offline quantize(with or without --enable_hta option) a .dlc file including UDL. 
Also, non-quantized models are not supported by AIP runtime.
Because the .dlc file has UDL, when running the network, I can only use "snpe-net-run-udl" command which is compiled by my code, rather than use the "snpe-net-run" command which is offical and support "--enable_hta" option.
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Join Date: 24 Feb 20
Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 2022-05-01 21:00

Dear zhaoyangstar,


Can you please help me to add custom layer to the network and use DSP  for running the same.


It would be kind of you to help.



Thanks and Regards,

Vyom Mishra

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