Forums - Input File Error:Size of input file should be divisible by sizeof(dtype).

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Input File Error:Size of input file should be divisible by sizeof(dtype).
Join Date: 14 May 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2019-05-21 05:00



Config Info:
snpe version:
caffe version 1.0.0
Ubuntu 14.04
I get the above error when cmd "snpe-net-run --container dlc/mydlc.dlc --input_list data/mydata/raw_list.txt" is executed.The .raw files were created with with imagenet_mean disabled as our model training was done without mean subtraction.The input images were 32x32 jpeg images.Once is executed files with 227x227 jpg images and .raw files were generated,a list of these files was used as input to snpe-net-run and mydlc.dlc was created using cifar10..prototxt and .caffemodel.
Is the procedure  followed to create the .raw files alright?
what does the error actually mean? Have I missed something ?
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Join Date: 14 May 19
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2019-05-27 03:27


I was able to solve the above referring to solution mentioned @

In short, changing the input dimension to 1x3x32x32 instead of 1x3x227x227 solved the issue.

Thank you.

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