Forums - Same model structure, different input shape, one can get correct result the other cannot!

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Same model structure, different input shape, one can get correct result the other cannot!
Join Date: 17 Oct 18
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2019-05-13 17:52

Hi all,

I have two models, both of which network structure are the same only except the input tensor shape, one is {1,512,512,6} and the other is {1,512,512,9}. The model of input tensor shape {1,512,512,6} can get the correct result running on android. However the other model, {1,512,512,9}, 

cannot get the correct result. These two models are exactly the same, which only difference is the input shape. So I am very confused why this happen. 

 -We tested the various SNPE version, 1.23.1, 1.24 and 1.25,1 . These SNPE all had the same problem that the model result of input {1,512,512,6} shape is correct, but the other model reuslt was not correct when we increased the 4th-d from 6 to 9.

-The both models coverted from the tensorflow pb model, and their pb models both can get the correct result.

-There also weren't any error or warning, when we converted the two pb models to DLC models.

Are there some bugs in the SNPE lib on android?

Can anyone help me?


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Join Date: 20 May 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2019-05-20 06:58


May I know which model you are trying? So that, if possible I can try once and come back to you on the same.. It would be helpful to analyse in a better way.

Thank you

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