Forums - inception_v3.dlc can not run on 845 with GPU and DSP

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inception_v3.dlc can not run on 845 with GPU and DSP
Join Date: 18 Mar 19
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2019-04-08 00:14

    I downloaded goolge inception v4.pb and used converter from NPE SDK v1.24 .

    Inceptionv3.dlc can run on 845 with CPU, But not run with GPU and DSP.

    I got error code 802 with GPU , it said "output rank greater than 3D is not support"

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12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=802; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid in GPU. Layer input:0 : output rank greater than 3D is not supported.; error_component=GPU Runtime; line_no=477; thread_id=527402218736
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=802; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid in GPU. Layer input:0 : output rank greater than 3D is not supported.; error_component=GPU Runtime; line_no=477; thread_id=527402218736
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.internal.NativeNetwork.nativeInitFromFile(Native Method)
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.internal.NativeNetwork.<init>(
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SNPE$
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.example.fy071.classifier.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.example.fy071.classifier.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at android.os.AsyncTask$
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
12-20 21:32:25.045 28668 28825 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at


=============  end  =============

     and 902 with DSP, it said "Maximum number of output dimenstions(3) exceeded.4 output dimension were given for DSP runtime.

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12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=902; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid in DSP. Layer InceptionV3/InceptionV3/Conv2d_1a_3x3/convolution: Maximum number of output dimensions(3) exceeded. 4 output dimension were given for DSP runtime.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=58; thread_id=527404324080

12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to create network! Cause: error_code=902; error_message=Layer parameter value is invalid in DSP. Layer InceptionV3/InceptionV3/Conv2d_1a_3x3/convolution: Maximum number of output dimensions(3) exceeded. 4 output dimension were given for DSP runtime.; error_component=DSP Runtime; line_no=58; thread_id=527404324080
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.internal.NativeNetwork.nativeInitFromFile(Native Method)
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.internal.NativeNetwork.<init>(
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.qualcomm.qti.snpe.SNPE$
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.example.fy071.classifier.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at com.example.fy071.classifier.tasks.LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground(
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at android.os.AsyncTask$
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at android.os.AsyncTask$SerialExecutor$
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
12-20 21:34:35.053 28668 29168 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: at
12-20 21:34:35.054 28668 28668 E zhuyxLoadNetworkTask: onPostExecute

=============  end  =============

    I have no idea about how I change my converter params to fixed this error?

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Join Date: 4 Nov 18
Posts: 184
Posted: Tue, 2019-04-30 07:23

The Error message "Layer parameter value is invalid in GPU", states that the network layer you have used is not supported.
Kindly check the supported layers from the SNPE Document

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