Forums - Can DSP automatically quantize float model to int8?

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Can DSP automatically quantize float model to int8?
Join Date: 25 Jul 18
Posts: 31
Posted: Wed, 2019-03-20 04:58

Hi, all,

I found if I ran a un-quantized model (float32) using DSP or GPU_FP16. It doesn't have any issue.


Thus, I wanna ask if it did fp16-conversion before input layer?


thanks in advance

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Join Date: 25 Jul 18
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Posted: Wed, 2019-03-20 05:31

Besides, I read docs and it said: SNPE doesn't support quantize UDL layer, but dsp runtime can automatically make quantization during SNPE model initialization. 

Again, I tested quantized alexnet and non-quant. using dsp runtime, they have same inference time cost.

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Join Date: 28 Jan 13
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Posted: Wed, 2019-03-20 19:21
Hi ysh329,
SNPE quantizes user-provided models automatically in the initialization step so there is no issue when you provide unquantized model and choose GPU_FP16 or DSP.
Input data quantization is done internally as well so you don't need to do fp16-conversion.
Even if you provide non-quantized Alexnet, SNPE quantizes the model in the initialization step. So quantized model runs in both cases and they have same inference time.
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