Forums - snpe-net-run and snpe-sample gives a segmentation fault when executed on the gpu and the dsp is not recognised on snapdragon 845

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snpe-net-run and snpe-sample gives a segmentation fault when executed on the gpu and the dsp is not recognised on snapdragon 845
Join Date: 24 Dec 18
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2019-01-03 06:07

Hello Guys !  

I am working with the qualcomm neural processing sdk on snapdragon 845 dev kit. I have followed the instructions to install packages required. I m also able to use cpu and get inception_v3 as well as alexnet running on the 845 dev kit using the cpu but on using the gpu I get a segmentation fault with no more error messages to debug (with both snpe-net-run and snpe-sample). Now with the --use_dsp option on using the snpe-net-run I get the following error 

The selected runtime is not available on this platform. Continue anyway to observe the failure at network creation time.
error_code=500; error_message=Target runtime is not available. No viable runtimes available.; error_component=Host Runtime; line_no=263; thread_id=-289139548

and on using snpe-sample with -r 'dsp' , the runtime is said not to exist and the programme executed on the cpu. 
Please help me in resolving this issue. 

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Join Date: 1 Nov 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2019-01-07 16:44

I have similar problems. Snapdragon 845 can not be used when converting Caffe model to dlc (command:snpe-caffe-to-dlc). Since it says that it runs on Snapdragon 845 in the SDK download site and Reference Guide, I purchased Google Pixel 3 and tried it, but I am in trouble because I can not use snpe. Please correct

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Join Date: 1 Nov 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2019-01-07 16:44

I have similar problems. Snapdragon 845 can not be used when converting Caffe model to dlc (command:snpe-caffe-to-dlc). Since it says that it runs on Snapdragon 845 in the SDK download site and Reference Guide, I purchased Google Pixel 3 and tried it, but I am in trouble because I can not use snpe. Please correct

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