Forums - please update your Too Old snpe setup docurment

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please update your Too Old snpe setup docurment
Join Date: 1 Oct 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2018-12-05 21:17

update your snpe setup docurment ( )

That is too old.


"Currently the SNPE SDK development environment is limited to Ubuntu, specifically version 14.04."

I did install ubuntu 14.04 because this  statement, but I failed to copy

ubuntu 14.04 support only aarch64-4.8.x library

ref :


2. The Caffe2 setup document is not helpful 

I did install caffe2 in non-conda env with this document states

ref :

git submodule update --init --recursive
python install


what is the root direcotry of Caffe2 install ?


Environment setup for Caffe2
Using the SNPE SDK with Caffe2 models requires a valid Caffe2 installation. (see Caffe and Caffe2 Setup.)
Go to $SNPE_ROOT and run the following script to setup the SNPE SDK environment. The location of the Caffe2 directory must be provided.
source bin/ -f $CAFFE2_DIR
       where $CAFFE2_DIR is the path to the Caffe2 installation.
The script sets up the following environment variables:
  SNPE_ROOT: root directory of the SNPE SDK installation
  CAFFE2_HOME: root directory of the Caffe2 installation you provided ($CAFFE2_DIR)
The script also updates PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, and PYTHONPATH.

3. Did you install TensorFlow in ubuntu 14.04 ?


ref :

Install TensorFlow
TensorFlow is tested and supported on the following 64-bit systems:
Ubuntu 16.04 or later
Windows 7 or later
macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or later (no GPU support)
Raspbian 9.0 or later


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Join Date: 12 Dec 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2019-12-12 11:21

The setup documentation is terrible. Keep getting incompatible packages, too old versions, garbage. I would be simple to just give us a script or conda environment file. The way it is, it's an headache, and just gives Qualcomm a bad image.

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