Forums - GPU performance using tensorflow model vs caffe

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GPU performance using tensorflow model vs caffe
Join Date: 8 May 18
Posts: 7
Posted: Mon, 2018-10-22 12:03

Hi ,

I'm running RensNet-50 v1 model on a Samsung Galaxy S9+ device usind SNPE (1.19.2). I'm noticing that the GPU (fp32 and fp16) performance of caffe model is about  2X better than tensoflow.

Is this because the layers are falling back to CPU more on tensorflow model when compared to caffe ?

Can someone be able to explain why this might be happening.



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Join Date: 4 Nov 18
Posts: 184
Posted: Tue, 2019-09-10 04:53

You can confirm the network layers supported by NPE SDK for Caffe and TensorFlow frameworks here

By using the Benchmarking tool provided by the NPE SDK, you can know the inference time of individual network layer in architecture and how they are performing on different run times. You can find the documentation for Benchmarking tool here

Hope this helps you in analyzing the inference time in detail and compare it for different frameworks.

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