Forums - Help!!!! Error in converting a pretrained ssd mobilenet V1 checkpoint to dlc

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Help!!!! Error in converting a pretrained ssd mobilenet V1 checkpoint to dlc
Join Date: 12 Mar 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Tue, 2018-08-28 14:04

Hello everyone,

I downloaded a TensorFlow pretrained ssd_mobilenet_v1 object detection model based on Coco dataset from here:

I could be able to convert the given frozen pb file to DLC format. But if I take the downloaded checkpoint, export and freeze it and finally convert to dlc, I could NOT be able to do that. I could get only a 1KB of DLC file.

Could someone try the following steps for me to convert to dlc and provide me a feedback it works on his/her side?

1. Download the pretrained model from the above link. And uncompress it.

2. Once it is uncompressed, export and freeze the given model checkpoint file to pb format by using '' from TensorFlow Object Detection API.

3. Finally convert the frozen graph to DLC using SNPE 'snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc' tool.

Please let me know if the above steps work and you get a valid DLC file.

Thank you in advance.


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Join Date: 4 Nov 18
Posts: 184
Posted: Tue, 2019-09-17 05:09


I have followed the steps you mentioned above and successfully able to get a .dlc file from downloaded checkpoints. 

The size of .pb file which is generated from checkpoints using '' of TensorFlow Object Detection API is 29.1MB and the .dlc file generated from the 'snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc' tool is 27.4MB.

SNPE version used : snpe-

Thank you.

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