Forums - Does SNPE original layers support multi-objects detection using FasterRCNN?

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Does SNPE original layers support multi-objects detection using FasterRCNN?
Join Date: 24 Jul 18
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2018-08-23 20:49

Hi Developer:

      First of all, I need to confirm: "Does SNPE original layers support multi-objects detection by FasterRCNN?"

       Here is my experience. I have tried mobilenet_ssd both in snpe SDK and 820a board succeed. And I can run vgg16_faster_rcnn_final.caffemodel by snpe SDK. But I always get one output (21 for cls_prob and 84 for bbox_pred) regardless of the number of “max_num_rois”, which is a parameter you can set before the converting operation from *.caffemodel to *.dlc file.

       According to snpe’s Limitations and Issues: Only batch of 1 is supported for ROIPooling layer, So I made an experiment, I made a udl layer named “MyROIPool”, which can support batch > 1. After a lot of coding operation, I can get a multi-objects detection by using vgg16_faster_rcnn_final_MyROIPool.caffemodel, and the results is normal.

 Hopefully, I have made myself understood!


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Join Date: 14 Apr 19
Posts: 23
Posted: Wed, 2019-06-12 22:03

Hi zakai:

I also met the same problem. I am writing a UDL for ROIPooling layer. Only one question: How to get the real number of rois in my UDL?

Because the real number of rois varies during process images, but udl's setup function is running before processing images. I cannot get the real number of rois in execute function of ROIPooling.

Thansks in advance!

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