Forums - Convert tool hangs when converting Resnet50 model

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Convert tool hangs when converting Resnet50 model
Join Date: 15 Jun 17
Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 2018-08-20 19:32

Dear Developers,

I have tried to convert resnet50 model trained with code:

When converting checkpoint or frozed model to dlc model, the convert tool is just hang in session run:

snpe-1.17.0/lib/python/converters/tensorflow/ 234


232         if len(requiring_evaluation) > 0:
233             try:
234                 outputs =, feed_dict=input_tensors)
235                 outputs = dict(zip(requiring_evaluation, outputs))
236                 for t, o in outputs.iteritems():
237                     self._tensor_value_cache[] = o
238                 outputs_map.update(outputs)
239                 requiring_evaluation = []
240             except InvalidArgumentError:
241                 pass

So why would it hang in session run?

My convert command line is :


./snpe-tensorflow-to-dlc --graph /home/damon/work/monodepth/my_model_resnet/frozen_model.pb -i split 1,256,512,3 --out_node model/decoder/mul_21 --dlc ~/work/monodepth/my_model_resnet/frozen_model.dlc

Any comments would be appreciated! Thanks.

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Join Date: 15 Jun 17
Posts: 51
Posted: Wed, 2018-09-26 23:33

Hi Everyone,

Has anybody converted resnet50 successfully?

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