Forums - Crash when loading dlc file

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Crash when loading dlc file
Join Date: 4 Jul 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2018-07-12 02:36


I have a dlc with following info.

Total parameters 52311446 (199 MB assuming single precision float)
Total MACs per inference: 135934M (100%)
Converter command: snpe-caffe-to-dlc verbose=False encoding=bgr enable_strict_validation=False disable_batchnorm_folding=False input_types=None model_version=None enable_preprocessing=True input_size=None validation_target=[] input_layers=None
DLC created with converter version:

When I try to replace this dlc into example project 'image-classification' and run it, the application starting crash.

I trace the last command is at LoadNetworkTask.doInBackground() line 49: network =

And I can't find any exception in log but I found that lowmemorykiller appear when app crash.

Is the root cause is this dlc includes too many MACs?

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Join Date: 28 Jan 13
Location: Seoul
Posts: 55
Posted: Thu, 2018-07-12 17:41

Hi nokia_du,

How about running your dlc using snpe-net-run? If it is okay, the issue is caused from application code.



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Join Date: 4 Jul 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Thu, 2018-07-12 18:15

Hi, jihoonk,

I just run the example code(image-classifiers)  with my own dlc.

The dlc could be work by snpe-net-run, is there something I miss from example code?


I just change runtime from CPU to GPU and it worked.



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