Forums - Failure to Convert Very Simple Tensorflow Model

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Failure to Convert Very Simple Tensorflow Model
Join Date: 18 Jun 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2018-06-28 14:23


Thank you for building this tool, we are thinking of using it at our company. I am having trouble converting a very simple model which only includes two Conv2D and a Dense Layer.

The code for tensorflow is:

with tf.variable_scope('layer1') as layer1:
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(
kernel_size=[W, W],
activation1 = tf.nn.relu(conv1, name='relu1')

with tf.variable_scope('layer2') as layer2:
conv2 = tf.layers.conv2d(
activation2 = tf.nn.relu(conv2, name='relu2')

with tf.variable_scope('layer3') as layer3:
out = tf.layers.dense(activation2, units=1, name='FullyConnected')


The output I am getting:

2018-06-28 14:11:13.477127: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer3/FullyConnected/Tensordot/transpose_1) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer3/FullyConnected/Tensordot/MatMul) not consumed by converter: MatMul.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer2/conv2/Conv2D) not consumed by converter: Conv2D.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer1/conv1/Conv2D) not consumed by converter: Conv2D.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer2/conv2/Relu) not consumed by converter: Relu.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer3/FullyConnected/Tensordot) not consumed by converter: Reshape.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer3/FullyConnected/BiasAdd) not consumed by converter: BiasAdd.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer3/FullyConnected/Tensordot/transpose) not consumed by converter: Transpose.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer2/relu2) not consumed by converter: Relu.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer1/relu1) not consumed by converter: Relu.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,830 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer3/FullyConnected/Tensordot/Reshape) not consumed by converter: Reshape.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,831 - 366 - WARNING - WARNING_TF_SCOPE_OP_NOT_CONSUMED: Operation (layer3/FullyConnected/Tensordot/Reshape_1) not consumed by converter: Reshape.
2018-06-28 14:11:13,831 - 122 - ERROR - Conversion failed: ERROR_TF_OPERATION_NOT_MAPPED_TO_LAYER: Some operations in the Tensorflow graph were not resolved to a layer. You can use --allow_unconsumed_nodes for partial graph resolution!


<strong> However, when I remove the  last dense layer, the model compiles fine . I find this interesting because when I add the last dense layer, it says a Conv2D operation is not consumed < /strong> . It seems like a few people have experienced this "NOT CONSUMED" issue. Do you think you can help me clarify the rules regarding <strong> What defines resolving an operation to an layer ? < / strong>. 


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Join Date: 4 Nov 18
Posts: 184
Posted: Tue, 2019-10-15 03:50
I faced the same issue while using the dense layer (tf.layers.dense API). The reason for the issue is that there is a reshape operation being applied to weights (introduced by tf.layer.dense API). The converter missinterprets it as part of the model execution and hence tries to convert to a layer which it can't since there are no input layers to it. 
You can use reshape(tf.reshape API) between a convolution and fully connected to flatten the tensor and it will work fine.
Hope this helps!
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