Forums - Issue In HTTP Posting Request On MDM9206

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Issue In HTTP Posting Request On MDM9206
Join Date: 27 Jul 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2021-07-28 23:53


I am working on HTTP Post request on MDM9206. My device is connectin gto the server successfully but when i post data to the server it returns code 500. I am unable to understand the post header format and post body format. Snippet of the code is as follows

server url "";

void http_post_body(char *TxBuffer)
    // char TxBuffer[240] = {0};
    uint16_t lenpoststatus;
    char DeviceId[20] = {0};
    uint32_t in_sosType = 1;
    static char sos_lat[16]= {0}, sos_long[16]= {0};
    static bool CellIdLocFlag = 1;


        len = strlen(TxBuffer);




        uint16_t l1 = strlen(TxBuffer);
        itoa(CellIdLocFlag, &TxBuffer[l1], 10);

    SALVATOR_UART_DBG("\r\n%d\r\n", (uint32_t)strlen(TxBuffer));
    // SALVATOR_UART_DBG("\r\n%d", sizeof(TxBuffer));

    qapi_Net_HTTPc_Set_Body(http_handle, (const char *)TxBuffer, (uint32_t)strlen(TxBuffer));
int http_post_data(charhostuint16 portuint8file_name)
    qapi_Status_t ret = -1;
    uint8 reconnect_count = 0;
    SSL_INST http_ssl;

    /* Start HTTPc service */
    if (ssl_ctx_id)
        /* config object and certificate */
        if (0 != http_ssl_config(&http_ssl))
            SALVATOR_UART_DBG("ERROR: Config ssl object and certificates error");
        /* create a SSL session */
        ssl_obj_hdl = http_ssl.sslCtx;
        http_ssl.sslCon = qapi_Net_SSL_Con_New(http_ssl.sslCtx, QAPI_NET_SSL_TLS_E);
        if (http_ssl.sslCon == QAPI_NET_SSL_INVALID_HANDLE)
            SALVATOR_UART_DBG("ERROR: Unable to create SSL context");
            return -1;
        if (QAPI_OK != qapi_Net_SSL_Configure(http_ssl.sslCon, &http_ssl.config))
            SALVATOR_UART_DBG("ERROR: SSL configure failed");
            return -2;

        http_handle = qapi_Net_HTTPc_New_sess(20000http_ssl.sslCtx, http_client_cb, NULL10241024);
        ret = qapi_Net_HTTPc_Configure_SSL(http_handle, &http_ssl.config);
        if(ret != QAPI_OK)
            SALVATOR_UART_DBG("Start HTTPS connection, SSL config ret[%d]", ret);
            return -2;

        http_handle = qapi_Net_HTTPc_New_sess(200000, http_client_cb, NULL10241024);

    http_handle = qapi_Net_HTTPc_New_sess(200000http_client_cbNULL5 * 10245 * 1024);

    http_session_policy.session_state = HTTP_SESSION_INIT;

    if ( http_handle == NULL)
        SALVATOR_UART_DBG("qapi_Net_HTTPc_New_sess ERROR");
        return -3;

    // qapi_Net_HTTPc_Pass_Pool_Ptr(http_handle, byte_pool_salvator);
        ret = qapi_Net_HTTPc_Connect(http_handlehostport);
        if (ret != QAPI_OK)
            SALVATOR_UART_DBG("qapi_Net_HTTPc_Connect ERROR ret:%d, re-connect times:%d",ret,reconnect_count);
            if(reconnect_count >= HTPP_MAX_CONNECT_RETRY)
                return -4;
            SALVATOR_UART_DBG("qapi_Net_HTTPc_Connect success :%d"ret);
    } while (1);
    http_session_policy.session_state = HTTP_SESSION_CONN;


    qapi_Net_HTTPc_Add_Header_Field(http_handle, "Connection", "Keep-Alive");

    qapi_Net_HTTPc_Add_Header_Field(http_handle, "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");

    qapi_Net_HTTPc_Add_Header_Field(http_handle, "Content-Length", strlen(Tx_Buffer)); // Not sure if required 

    http_post_body((char *)Tx_Buffer);

    /* get response content */
    ret = qapi_Net_HTTPc_Request(http_handleQAPI_NET_HTTP_CLIENT_POST_Efile_name); 
    if (ret != QAPI_OK)
        SALVATOR_UART_DBG("qapi_Net_HTTPc_Request ERROR :%d",ret);
        return -5;
    // http_post_body(Tx_Buffer);
    return 0;


void http_client_cb(voidargint32 statevoidhttp_resp)
    boolean ret_val = FALSE;
    qapi_Net_HTTPc_Response_t * resp = NULL;
    resp = (qapi_Net_HTTPc_Response_t *)http_resp;
    http_session_policy.session_state = HTTP_SESSION_SOS_RESPONSE;
    // SALVATOR_UART_DBG("\r\nhttp_client_cb:%x,%ld,len:%lu,code:%lu,data%s,resp_header%s\r\n",arg,state,resp->length,resp->resp_Code,resp->data,resp->rsp_hdr);


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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Mon, 2021-08-02 08:30


Just went through the code, it looks ok. HTTP 500 error should be a server side issue. Can you verify with any other POST API with simple content?

Is there any documentation available for /sos POST REST API?



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