Forums - mvSDK looking for Configuration.SF.xml

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mvSDK looking for Configuration.SF.xml
Join Date: 3 Apr 18
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2019-12-02 07:24

Hey everyone,

When I call the `mvVISLAM_Initialize` function on the 845, I get the following output:

MachineVision is licensed as community user
LNX_8074 supported? 1
LNX_8096 supported? 1
LNX_IA64 supported? 1
WINDOWS supported? 1
AR ERROR: arFileOpen(): Failed to open file: //vislam/Configuration.SF.xml
FASTCV: fcvAvailableHardware Linux
mempool cur block size 307200, new block size 1004617728
Does anyone know what this "Configuration.SF.xml" file is, where exactly it is supposed to live and what it needs to contain? I can't find any documentation, sample code or API mentioning this file.
- Nico
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Join Date: 21 Aug 13
Posts: 65
Posted: Mon, 2019-12-02 12:29

It is an optional file used in internal testing.  It is a mistake/bug that the message shows up in the released version.  Please ignore.

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