Forums - Initilization MSDC

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Initilization MSDC
Join Date: 1 May 18
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2018-05-15 02:08


I am trying to develop a simple MSDC android app which will be used for testing a  Multicast Service. I am using Qualcomm LTE 4.2 SDK.

From the customer(Operator), I have got Service area identity ( one digit number )  and TMGI (six digit number).

I am trying simple streaming app which connects to an LTE Multicast network and displays the services. 

I appropriate also, if you could  if there is any material which guide or have sample code in MSDC android app.

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AnkitK Moderator
Join Date: 20 Aug 14
Posts: 61
Posted: Wed, 2018-05-16 10:56

Dear Customer,

   Sample code is available in '80-PA884-3_C_App_to_MSDC_Interface_Spec.pdf' document, which is part of the SDK.

Samsple app is avilable in "", which is part of the SDK too.




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Join Date: 4 Apr 24
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2024-04-11 04:00

Please tell from where can I get this sample APP? I ahve downloaded latest 4.400 SDK but it doesn;t incldue any sample app. hence I am 

unable to find out api_stub_version_.jar file

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Join Date: 29 Jan 20
Posts: 16
Posted: Thu, 2024-04-11 05:52


Can you provide me the Android version and the QC chipset that you are using? 

Is this an official OEM request or you an end user looking for some personal usage ?Cause we have a separate portal for OEM engineers.

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