Forums - When does "resetStreamingNotification" get called?

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When does "resetStreamingNotification" get called?
Join Date: 9 Jun 13
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2016-05-11 09:20


I'm currently using your LTE Broadcast SDK and I hope you can help me understand the "resetStreamingNotification" callback function in the IMSDCStreamingControllerEventListener, the SDK documentation says:

"Reset Notification to UI if there is any corruption in streaming service info in MSP."

* What is MSP? 

* How can I detect "if there is any corruption in streaming service info in MSP"? 

* What is the recommended action after this callback has been received? re-initialize listening for streaming services? 

* When does it get called (after starting to listening for streaming services OR after a streaming service has been start)?

Otherwise great work with the SDK,

I really appriciate the fact that you have made a Stubbed, configurable version for making the development and testing a lot easier! =)

Keep up the great work


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elmira Moderator
Join Date: 11 Aug 14
Posts: 26
Posted: Wed, 2016-05-11 12:08


Thanks for using the LTE Broadcast SDK. We appreciate your feedback.

"MSP" refers to LTE Broadcast middleware. It is a typo in the document and I will make sure to fix that.

The LTE Broadcast middleware keeps the service information in its local database. If for any reason that database gets corrupted, then the previous serviceHandles may not be valid any more. Therefore the middleware sends the streamingReset notification to let the application know about it.  If the application does not store the serviceHandles and uses the latest ones after each serviceListUpdate notification, it can ignore the streamingReset notification. If not, then app needs to make sure to reset all cached serviceHandles after receiving the streamingReset notification.





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