Forums - How to check DSP usage with sysMonAPP correctly

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How to check DSP usage with sysMonAPP correctly
Join Date: 10 Mar 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2022-06-01 21:57
We would like to check DSP usage on our device.
Thus, we downloaded and installed "Hexagon SDK v3.5.4 - Linux" from here (, and executed "sysMonAppLE_64Bit" on our device to check like following:
$ adb push ./sysMonAppLE_64Bit /data/sysMonAppLE_64Bit  # deploy tool in our device
$ ./sysMonAppLE_64Bit profiler --defaultSetEnable 1 --samplingPeriod 10 --q6 cdsp --profileFastrpcTimeline 1  # execute
However, after execute "sysMonAppLE_64bit" on our device, the following message is output.
> >> Waiting for a keyboard input...
We press enter in this line, but after that, the following message is output and any command is not allowed. (e.g. Ctrl + C)
> >> Sending kill to Query thread...
> >> Waiting for the Query thread to join... << Received TERMINATE query signal
> ***************************EXITING!***************************
> ^CReceived SIGINT in main()
> src/rpcmem_android.c:256::error: -1: mfree
Is this behavior correct? How could we exit correctly in this process?
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