Forums - Having questions about understanding simulation result

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Having questions about understanding simulation result
Join Date: 18 Feb 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2022-03-06 22:45

hi. I have installed SDK and tried to use simulator. 

And I saw that in cacluator example the DSP part and reference C part has almost same execution cycle in the report.

Does that mean actually the DSP code and CPU code takes the same execution time? or the simulator simulate the DSP code as it runs in the CPU?

Another question is, when I build the DSP as shared library and simulate it then I cannot see correct function name in the report.

I have tried to input every elf files into the profiler but still cannot get correct function name in the report. 

But when I build it as stand-alone app then I can get correct function names in the simulation report.

Hope to hear any answers for this.

Thank you.

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Join Date: 6 Dec 21
Posts: 12
Posted: Thu, 2022-03-10 01:44

cycle is the instruction cycle, to get exection time, need to get the frequency of DSP.

simulator is run on CPU. for simulator just use to verify the result, if you care about the performance, please to test on target.

for you another question, can you please share your detail steps, than we can check further.


Another question is, when I build the DSP as shared library and simulate it then I cannot see correct function name in the report.



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