Forums - X86 support requested

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X86 support requested
Join Date: 23 Jan 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2022-01-23 09:49
Hello, Some development with hexagon in which the board architecture has x86 + hexagon instead of arm + hexagon is desired, since the hexagon processor would suit well in some different processing tasks to alleviate some of the burden from servers, replacing other server resources. In this way, the hexagon capabilities can serve applications other than just phones. To support software development before server motherboards come out with many hexagon chips, just a phone with x86 and hexagon would provide enough to us to start now. Problem is, there isn't a phone with this, and with no way to efficiently emulate. For our development purposes, the regular hexagon software development kit and other things are suitable, but just the Android kernel module that supports the hexagon chip needs to be provided for x86. Is there any way some development artifacts could be provided in which that kernel module could be given, compiled for different versions of Android? Is there any willingness to open source that kernel module?
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Join Date: 19 Sep 22
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2022-09-19 04:53

I had the same problem on MacOS. Adding -cpu host to qemu-system-x86_64 solved it.

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