Forums - An error occurred when running the calculator demo without root priority

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An error occurred when running the calculator demo without root priority
Join Date: 25 Nov 20
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2020-11-30 05:17

Hey, I followed the step by step guide to building, loading and executing the calculator example on Android. Everything seems OK,  the example run on CPU passed while on DSP failed.

Device: IQOO with Snapdragon 865 without root priority.

I am not sure whether the `adb root` is needed. My device does not support it. So I can not put the `calculator` and ` into `/vendor/*`.  I put them into `/data/local/tmp/vendor/*` since I can only access the `/data/local/tmp`. And I use the instructions in Remote File System and set the env `DSP_LIBRARY_PATH`, but it cannot work.

 The error log is here.

---Starting calculator test


---Allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap

---Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999

---ERROR, Failed to load


---Usage: /data/local/tmp/vendor/bin/calculator <1/0 run locally> <uint32 size>

It seems that it cannot find the, so I changed the calculator_test.c.  I  changed it into `dlopen("/data/local/tmp/vendor/lib/", RTLD_NOW);` and then run it. It could find the, but it also encountered othr problems. The error log is here.

---Starting calculator test

---Allocate 4000 bytes from ION heap

---Creating sequence of numbers from 0 to 999


---Compute sum on the DSP

---Error: compute on DSP failed, nErr = 44


---Usage: ./calculator <1/0 run locally> <uint32 size>

I am not sure whether the error is because it could not find the And I use logcat, but logcat cannot work as well.

The error log is here.

11-30 20:50:29.032 25608 25608 E libc    : Access denied finding property ""

Could anyone help me? Or could anyone tell me wthether the root priority is needed?

I really appreciate if anyone could help me.



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Join Date: 5 Apr 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2021-04-09 05:53

Same problem, hope this raise attention to this

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