Forums - FastRPC not running (Samsung S8)

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FastRPC not running (Samsung S8)
Join Date: 20 Sep 17
Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 2017-09-21 05:43

I am trying to compile TensorFlow optimized for the Hexagon DSP (ref:

Specifically I have been trying to follow the example here: succeeds using Hexagon SDK 3.2 and TensorFlow 1.3. 

However, when I run into the following problems:

1) running the executable cannot find the FastRPC shared object


> adb shell 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/local/tmp:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH' "/data/local/tmp/hexagon_graph_execution"
CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE "/data/local/tmp/hexagon_graph_execution": library "" not found


2) following the docs in the SDK under Technologies_FastRPC.html#Setup, I have run the following to check the FastRPC is running:

> adb shell ls /dev/adsprpc-smd
ls: /dev/adsprpc-smd: No such file or directory

> adb shell ls /system/lib/modules/adsprpc.ko
ls: /system/lib/modules/adsprpc.ko: No such file or directory

The documentation states that in this case, the FastRPC module is not supported. I find this hard to believe. Can you advice how to get FastRPC installed/running?

I am using an (unrooted) Samsung S8. I would think this should be possible without having to root the phone?



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Join Date: 31 Jul 17
Posts: 23
Posted: Mon, 2017-10-23 02:20

check if libadsprpc.sp exits in your target device(/system/vendor/lib/,/system/vendor/lib64/,you can push the in Hexagon_SDK/3.2/libs/common/remote/ship/to the above location

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