Forums - Issue regarding to running clone of sample example calculator

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Issue regarding to running clone of sample example calculator
Join Date: 3 Jun 16
Posts: 7
Posted: Sun, 2016-06-19 23:14

I tried to run cloned code of sample example calculator. Calcultor example code is running perfectly without any issue. But when I clone that example calulator by given script by below command,

../../tools/scripts/ calculator calc3
calc3 project produces all output files (.so files) correctly, even it runs on local arm processor correctly, but t's not giving output for aDSP processor. All the steps in walkthrough script run correctly. It gives error of not returning 0 to function call for aDSP module.
I am using Ubuntu Linux 64 bit OS , Snapdragon 800 Series APQ8074 SOM, Hexagon 500 sdk.
Please help me If I missing something.
Thank you,
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Join Date: 4 Feb 16
Posts: 54
Posted: Mon, 2016-06-20 23:16

Can you please run minidm before running calc3 and provide the output of minidm 

Steps to run minidm:

      cd tools/mini-dm/Linux_Debug


       Keep the minidm shell open and run calc3 on other command shell

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Join Date: 3 Jun 16
Posts: 7
Posted: Tue, 2016-06-21 00:10


Sorry for late reply, I have resolved that issue. I have changed the name of Hexagon DSP .so file thats why it's not working. And the answer of why sample code is running that the previous .so file of that sample is already in /system/lib/rfsa/adsp.

I have change the name to 

I highly appreciate your concern.

Thanks and once again sorry.

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