Forums - hexagon v60 vector contexts setup

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hexagon v60 vector contexts setup
Join Date: 25 Apr 16
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2016-05-04 02:29

In  Hexagon V60 HVX Programmer’s Reference Manual,  there are following lines.  But which functions should be called to do the setting up?


A minimal “uni-HVX” implementation would support the following vector context
■ One context of double-sized 1024-bit vectors
■ Two contexts of 512-bit vectors
A higher-tier implementation can have more vector contexts. For example, a “dual-HVX”
system would support the following vector context configurations:
■ Two contexts of double-sized 1024-bit vectors
■ Four contexts or 512-bit vectors
The Hexagon scalar core can contain any number of hardware threads greater than or
equal to the number of vector contexts. The scalar hardware thread is assignable to a
vector context through per-thread SSR:XA programming, as follows:
■ SSR:XA=4: HVX instructions use vector context 0
■ SSR:XA=5: HVX instructions use vector context 1
■ SSR:XA=6: HVX instructions use vector context 2
■ SSR:XA=7: HVX instructions use vector context 3
All other values of XA produce undefined results.

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Join Date: 24 Apr 13
Posts: 11
Posted: Wed, 2016-05-11 08:38

Management of this is under control of the RTOS on the Hexagon. For the Hexagon SDK development environment, simplest way is to use the dspCV wrapper. This includes dspCV_hvx_lock, which accepts a mode (512-bit or 1024-bit) as one of its arguments.

In the Hexagon SDK documentation, look at Examples->Computer Vision->downscaleBy2 for a walkthrough of how to do this.



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