Forums - camera streaming example could not work on 820mdp

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camera streaming example could not work on 820mdp
Join Date: 9 Dec 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2016-12-12 07:20

I use the 820mdp and install sdk3.0 and tool7.4,

I build the camera stream example and push to mdp, and setprop;

but there is no preview image when open camera, just a black window.

It seems there are some bugs in the while(1) loop, where could I get the correct example ?


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Join Date: 18 Feb 20
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2020-09-29 08:05


I have also done the Camera Streaming example, got an output like a black window with no previews. If you have cleared the error and completed can you please share with me too so that i can rectify to get the pixel effects. I am developing on Intrinsyc 845 uSOM dev kit.  Hexagon SDK - v3.5.2 on Windows.



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