Forums - How are local arrays allocated on QDSP?

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How are local arrays allocated on QDSP?
Join Date: 16 Mar 16
Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 2016-06-28 08:11

I have following function call on DSP

void fun() {
int tmpbuf[0x88];
int tmp1buf[0x88]; 

FARF(HIGH, " -- DSP enter call_with_temp: tmp_buff 0x%x tmp1_buff 0x%x",  tmpbuf, tmp1buf);
FARF(HIGH, " -- DSP enter call_with_temp: size tmp_buff 0x%x size tmp1_buff 0x%x", sizeof(tmpbuf), sizeof(tmp1buf)); 


I expected tmpbuf and tmp1bug are allocated on the stack. What I can see is:

[08500/02]  58:25.010  80bb: -- DSP enter call_with_temp: tmp_buff 0xe235d490 tmp1_buff 0xe23614b0  1383  r4_fft.c
[08500/02]  58:25.010  80bb: -- DSP enter call_with_temp: size tmp_buff 0x220 size tmp1_buff 0x220  1384  r4_fft.c

The two addresses tmp1buf and tmpbuf differ ca 0x4000b while their size is 0x220b so they cannot be allocated on the stack I suppose.

What had happened? What should I familiarize with so this topic is clear to me?



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Join Date: 24 Jun 16
Location: south korea
Posts: 10
Posted: Thu, 2016-09-22 03:44

What's the matter?

I think the address would be fine.


It's not micro-controller.

you should learn about the MMU of ARM processor and Virtual Memory.


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