Forums - Processor Architecture

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Processor Architecture
Join Date: 19 Feb 13
Posts: 11
Posted: Fri, 2016-02-19 15:46

I just got started with exploration of Hexagon DSP world and I have no clue which Processor Architecture to use for generating code for the DSPs that are in Snapdragon 820. I am lead to believe that the DSPs in Snapdragon 820 are Hexagon 680s. But when I look at the block diagram for APQ8096 (yet another name for Snapdragon820?) they are being referred to as HVX-512. What should be the tool setting for this processor? V60?  Thanks for any help.

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Join Date: 1 Nov 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2019-11-02 00:01

In processor architecture there are brief of it's basic components and basic operations. each and every processor has its own architecture and has different assembly language for view programming. i have gone through facebook for more information.

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