Forums - DownscaleBy2 example(on-target) Work Problem

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DownscaleBy2 example(on-target) Work Problem
Join Date: 29 May 16
Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 2016-06-28 04:55


I am new to use Hexagon and DSP. My SDK is Hexagon 2.0(qualcomm_hexagon_sdk_2_0.exe and qualcomm_hexagon_sdk_hvx_addon_2_0.exe),
and I have signed my device(MSM8996)
I use example : downscaleBy2 and try to test Hexagon and DSP funcion of my my device(MSM8996).
I did the following two tests in Hexagon documemtation:
1.DownscaleBy2 example on-target:
   Succeeded in finishing the below steps:
      1.make V=hexagon_Release_dynamic
         make V=android_Release
      2.adb root adb remount adb mkdir -p /system/lib/rfsa/adsp
         adb push android_Release/ship/downscaleBy2 /data/local 
         adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/downscaleBy2 
         adb push hexagon_Release_dynamic/ship/ /system/lib/rfsa/adsp
         adb push ../../../lib/fastcv/dspCV/hexagon_Release_dynamic/ship/ /system/lib/rfsa/adsp
         adb push ../../../lib/common/apps_mem_heap/ship/hexagon_Release_dynamic/ /system/lib/rfsa/adsp
     3.adb shell stop mpdecision
        adb shell "echo 0 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online"
        adb shell "echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor"
     4.adb shell ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib/rfsa/adsp /data/local/downscaleBy2
    but the execution result is fail, output show: 
        return value from dspCV_initQ6() : -1
        src/downscaleBy2.c:109::error: -1: 0 == retVal
        error: -1
        calling dspCV_deinitQ6()...
        return value from dspCV_deinitQ6(): -1
        - failure

2.Building and Running for Hexagon V60 with HVX:
   Succeeded in finishing the below steps:
     1.make tree V=hexagon_ReleaseG_dynamic_toolv72_v60
        make tree V=android_ReleaseG
     2.adb root adb wait-for-device
        adb remount adb push hexagon_ReleaseG_dynamic_toolv72_v60\ship\ /system/lib/rfsa/adsp
        adb push android_Release/ship/downscaleBy2 /data/local adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/downscaleBy2
        adb push ../../../lib/fastcv/dspCV/hexagon_ReleaseG_dynamic_toolv72_v60/ship/ /system/lib/rfsa/adsp
        adb push ../../../lib/common/apps_mem_heap/ship/hexagon_ReleaseG_dynamic_toolv72_v60/ /system/lib/rfsa/adsp
     3.adb shell ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH=/system/lib/rfsa/adsp /data/local/downscaleBy2

   but the execution result is fail, output show:
        return value from dspCV_initQ6() : -1 
        src/downscaleBy2.c:109::error: -1: 0 == retVal
        error: -1 calling dspCV_deinitQ6()...
        return value from dspCV_deinitQ6(): -1
        - failure

Could you help me to check this problem
and how to check the Hexagon and DSP funcion of my my device works, or not?


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Join Date: 4 Feb 16
Posts: 54
Posted: Thu, 2016-06-30 02:06

for running on MSM8996 you should build toolv72_v60 variants as you ran in your second test, first test is not valid on msm8996,

make tree V=hexagon_Release_dynamic builds for v5, so you should use 

make tree V=hexagon_Release_dynamic_toolv72_v60


Can you please run mindm before running downscaleby2 by following the below steps and share the minidm output

  1. cd tools/mini-dm/WinNT_Debug

  2. mini-dm.exe —comport <port number>

    • Eg: mini-dm.exe —comport com35

    • Port number can be discovered by running the tools/scripts/ script

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