Forums - QACT unable to connect to after "adsp_avs_config.acdb" is pushed to target

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QACT unable to connect to after "adsp_avs_config.acdb" is pushed to target
Join Date: 2 Aug 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2023-08-28 22:05
Steps followed:
1. Downloaded defualt ABCD files from internet (Tried with different vendors). 
2. Copied to target path "/etc/acdbdata/MTP/"
3. Rebooted. Conencted to target (MSM8994). 
4. Able to connect to target. When audio played on target using tinyplay, Can hear audio from headset and can see DSP calibration RTC use case also.
5. But when I created custom module (For ex: capi_v2_gain) and added in QACT offline with ADSP module manager, new "adsp_avs_config.acdb" file is generated.
6. Pushed the updated ACDB files into "/etc/acdbdata/MTP/" and new "adsp_avs_config.acdb" file to target path ""/etc/acdbdata/"
7. Rebooted. Tried to connect to target. Can see the error "Invalid acdb path regarding adsp_avs_config.acdb
8. Tried to copy the new "adsp_avs_config.acdb" file to "/etc/acdbdata/MTP/". 
9. Rebooted, Can see another issue "Unable to get query version".
10. Tried with default adsp_avs_config.acdb that comes alsong with other ACDB files. Still the same issue in connecting to target
Please suggest way to make it connect to target after adding and pushing the "adsp_avs_config.acdb" to target.
Sudheer babu
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Join Date: 2 Aug 23
Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 2023-08-28 22:42

From QACT logs: The error mesage is : 

[11:08:51] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Trying to connect to phone: MSM8994 on port COM34
[11:08:51] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Connected to phone: MSM8994 on port COM34
[11:08:51] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: [CheckConnectionThread] Started thread.
[11:08:51] [QACTModel] Information: Files download from phone started. Number of files to download: 7
[11:08:51] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_Bluetooth_cal.acdb
[11:08:51] [QACTModel] Information: File: MTP_Bluetooth_cal.acdb download complete.
[11:08:51] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_General_cal.acdb
[11:08:51] [QACTModel] Information: File: MTP_General_cal.acdb download complete.
[11:08:51] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_Global_cal.acdb
[11:08:52] [QACTModel] Information: File: MTP_Global_cal.acdb download complete.
[11:08:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_Handset_cal.acdb
[11:08:52] [QACTModel] Information: File: MTP_Handset_cal.acdb download complete.
[11:08:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_Hdmi_cal.acdb
[11:08:52] [QACTModel] Information: File: MTP_Hdmi_cal.acdb download complete.
[11:08:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_Headset_cal.acdb
[11:08:53] [QACTModel] Information: File: MTP_Headset_cal.acdb download complete.
[11:08:53] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /etc/acdbdata/MTP/MTP_Speaker_cal.acdb
[11:08:54] [QACTModel] Information: File: MTP_Speaker_cal.acdb download complete.
[11:08:54] [QACTModel] Information: All Files download complete. 
[11:08:59] [QSM] Information: Loaded XML from compressed file D:\Users\suuppalapati\AppData\Local\Temp\y1kgnx3d.e2f\MTP_workspaceFile.qwsp
[11:08:59] [QSMWorkspaceFileManager] Information: Loaded XML from compressed file D:\Users\suuppalapati\AppData\Local\Temp\y1kgnx3d.e2f\MTP_workspaceFile.qwsp
[11:08:59] [QSM] Error: Invalid ACDB File path: D:\Users\suuppalapati\AppData\Local\Temp\y1kgnx3d.e2f\adsp_avs_config.acdb
[11:08:59] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: [CheckConnectionThread] Received stop thread event.
[11:08:59] [QACTModel] Error: Phone disconnected. Reason: TCE_PHONE_DISCONNECTED
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