Forums - Issue While Connecting QACT to SA6145P SoC

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Issue While Connecting QACT to SA6145P SoC
Join Date: 6 Jul 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-09-28 02:46


   I installed QACT ( in my PC.  SA6145P development board is connected to PC.  In  QACT, after I connected device by clicking on "connect to device" on UI and trying to import the workspace file,  getting error messaged displayed as " [QACTModel] Error: Exception while connecting to phone: Input string was not in a correct format. "

Steps followed:

  1. Open QACT and click Connect Device
  2. Import workspace file when prompted by the QACT

Error occurs at this point

Any suggestions to solve this issue?

Attaching below QACT logs for reference:

Logging started at 09/24/2021 16:49:36by QACTLauncher Version = in QACT_v7.4.17.4_09_24_2021164936.log
[16:49:36] [LicenseManager] Information: Reading License...
[16:49:36] [LicenseManager] Information: License read successfully
[16:49:40] [ConnectionManager] Information: MSMConnectionPlugin: Found device count  0
[16:49:40] [ThesyconUSBTransporter] Information: No connected device is detected.
[16:49:40] [Kymera_ConnectionPlugin] Critical: Please set the KalAccess DLL path
[16:49:40] [ConnectionManager] Error: Failed to get Connected Device list. Error:CM_NO_CONNECTION
WHS_ConnectionPlugin : Failed to query connected device list. Error: TC_NO_CONNECTION
WHSConnectionPluginSim : Failed to query connected device list. Error: TC_NO_CONNECTION
Kymera_ConnectionPlugin : Failed to query connected device list. Error: FTS_ERR_INVALID_FILE_PATH
[16:49:46] [ConnectionManager] Information: MSMConnectionPlugin: Found device count  1
[16:49:46] [ThesyconUSBTransporter] Error: Please provide its guid/path correctly. Error code: 2
[16:49:46] [ThesyconUSBTransporter] Error: Failed to initialize Thesycon dll!
Please provide its guid/path correctly. Error code: 2
   at connectionConfiguration)
[16:49:46] [Kymera_ConnectionPlugin] Critical: Please set the KalAccess DLL path
[16:49:50] [Profiler] Information: Started profiling Connection
[16:49:50] [Logger] Warning: Logger already initialized
[16:49:52] [Profiler] Information: Time to Connection : 00:0:1:794 [hh:mm:ss:ms] 
[16:49:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: [CheckConnectionThread] Started thread.
[16:49:52] [QACTModel] Information: Files download from phone started. Number of files to download: 9
[16:49:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/adsp_avs_config.acdb
[16:49:52] [QACTModel] Information: File: adsp_avs_config.acdb download complete.
[16:49:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/Headset_cal.acdb
[16:49:52] [QACTModel] Information: File: Headset_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/Handset_cal.acdb
[16:49:52] [QACTModel] Information: File: Handset_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/Codec_cal.acdb
[16:49:52] [QACTModel] Information: File: Codec_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:52] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/Bluetooth_cal.acdb
[16:49:53] [QACTModel] Information: File: Bluetooth_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:53] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/Speaker_cal.acdb
[16:49:56] [QACTModel] Information: File: Speaker_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:56] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/Global_cal.acdb
[16:49:56] [QACTModel] Information: File: Global_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:56] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/General_cal.acdb
[16:49:56] [QACTModel] Information: File: General_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:56] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: Downloading file: /vendor/etc/acdbdata/ADP/Hdmi_cal.acdb
[16:49:56] [QACTModel] Information: File: Hdmi_cal.acdb download complete.
[16:49:56] [QACTModel] Information: All Files download complete. 
[16:50:03] [QSM] Information: Loaded XML from encrypted compressed file C:\Users\SVC_LSAUser2\AppData\Local\Temp\dbiz2wla.egb\workspaceFile.qwsp
[16:50:03] [QSMWorkspaceFileManager] Information: Loaded XML from encrypted compressed file C:\Users\SVC_LSAUser2\AppData\Local\Temp\dbiz2wla.egb\workspaceFile.qwsp
[16:50:03] [QSM] Information: ACDB File Version: APQ8096AU.HGH. - DIRANA3
[16:50:03] [QSM] Information: Unhandled attributein table definition. Name: gainDepTable Value: yes
[16:50:03] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: CMD_GET_ADIE_RTC_VERSION[0x1F9]
Data sent: F90100000000
Data received: F90109000000010100000002000000
ADIERTC Version Info received. [Major: 1] [Minor: 2]
[16:50:03] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: CMD_GET_CODEC_INFO[0x1FD]
Data sent: FD0100000000
Data received: FD01050000000100000000
[Codec ID Count: 0] 
[16:50:04] [QACTModel] Error: Exception while connecting to phone: Input string was not in a correct format.
   at System.Number.ParseSingle(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
   at System.Convert.ToSingle(String value)
   at objectType, String objectValue)
   at configElementNode)
   at paramDefinitionInXml, Boolean isCustom)
   at staticPIDDefListInXml, XmlNodeList pIdDefListInXml, XmlNodeList UIConfigListInXml, ICDSPDefinitionsDataBase definitionsDataBase)
   at iCPHost)
   at codecName, IMSM_ConnectionPlugin baseTargetCommunicator, QACTRESULT& rest)
   at reslt)
   at filePath)
   at sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
[16:50:44] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: [CheckConnectionThread] Received stop thread event.
[16:50:44] [MSMConnectionPlugin] Information: [CheckConnectionThread]Closing thread


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Join Date: 20 Oct 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2022-01-16 19:34


Is this issue still reproducible? If yes, could you please share the ACDB files which are downloaded to a temp folder on the PC during connection along with the workspace file being imported when prompted? The exact location of the temp folder to which the ACDB files are downloaded can be found in the QACT log (the path should be similar to the one below).

< log_snip >

[16:50:03] [QSM] Information: Loaded XML from encrypted compressed file C:\Users\SVC_LSAUser2\AppData\Local\Temp\dbiz2wla.egb\workspaceFile.qwsp

[16:50:03] [QSMWorkspaceFileManager] Information: Loaded XML from encrypted compressed file C:\Users\SVC_LSAUser2\AppData\Local\Temp\dbiz2wla.egb\workspaceFile.qwsp 

< / log_snip >


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