Forums - Bug in Hexagon SDK doc, example code to set module parameter from HLOS

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Bug in Hexagon SDK doc, example code to set module parameter from HLOS
Join Date: 30 Jan 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Sat, 2021-01-30 02:09

There seems to be a mistake in the Hexagin SDK document that needs to be corrected.

In the documengt page detailing the steps to carry out audio calibration for predefined / custom modules, there is an example provided to set modue paramters --> file:///C:/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/docs/Audio/audio_calibration_using_app.html#Set%20data%20of%20one%20parameter.

int[] param_data = [0x4000, 0x8000]; // volume1 and volume 2
String value = b64encode(param_data);

String key= "cal_persist=0;cal_devid=2;cal_apptype=69936;cal_caltype=0;cal_samplerate=48000;cal_topoid=0x10000001;cal_moduleid=0x10001111;cal_paramid=0x10001112;";
key = key + "cal_data=";
key = key + param_data;
AudioManager aManager=(AudioManager)getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);


The example intends to take the param data set, encode it in base64, and add it to the set of kv pairs to be set by the acdb-loader helper functions triggered via audiomanager API. The "cal_data" value should be set as the encoded data string. However, the example incorrectly sets it to the integer value itself (param_data)


The correct code should be something like this (tried and tested):

int[] param_data = [0x4000, 0x8000]; // volume1 and volume 2
String value = b64encode(param_data);

String key= "cal_persist=0;cal_devid=2;cal_apptype=69936;cal_caltype=0;cal_samplerate=48000;cal_topoid=0x10000001;cal_moduleid=0x10001111;cal_paramid=0x10001112;";
key = key + "cal_data=";
key = key + value;
AudioManager aManager=(AudioManager)getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);

- Abhijit Hota

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Join Date: 22 May 19
Posts: 3
Posted: Thu, 2021-02-18 12:08

Hello Abhijit,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will make the change in the upcoming release.



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