Forums - Running CAPI V2 examples on target

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Running CAPI V2 examples on target
Join Date: 9 Aug 17
Posts: 21
Posted: Mon, 2018-03-05 07:43


The 'QACT Lite : Testing the Audio Module on Target' describes the procedure to run the examples on target. The .so file that is generated for the examples are file based, and I am wondering what change needs to be made to accept input from ADM before the .so is generated. I'm not sure if any change needs to be made. I tried running the gain example on target but there is no output generated. Any pointers appreciated.



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Join Date: 6 Feb 18
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2018-03-14 00:58

Hi Naveen,

No changes are required to be made, you can build example and follow the steps mentioned in doc.


You can see in logs, whether the module is invoked and loaded properly - check module id or example details in Minidm or logcat logs.

You can observe increase in volume in live audiowhen you loaded this example.




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