Forums - CAPIV2 functioning

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CAPIV2 functioning
Join Date: 9 Aug 17
Posts: 21
Posted: Thu, 2018-02-01 23:38


I'm trying to figure out how CAPIV2 works, and am a little confused. As per documentation, CAPIV2 is part of the Elite framework, and hence part of the DSP. But how does communication take place between the CPU and DSP take place in this case? The calculator example shows the communication takes place via fastRPC, meaning, memory for dsp processing is allocated by Android. How does it take place in CAPIV2 examples? How is memory allocated, and how does communication between the CPU and DSP take place in CAPIV2?


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Join Date: 7 Feb 18
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2018-02-14 04:24

Can someone give details about the elite framework. I am struggling to understand the CAPPIV2.

Also i want to port BeamForming Algorithm on Hexagon DSP. How can i get the audio input data and process using my beamformer algo  and get back my processed output.

Can some one explain the topology of audio communication.

Thanks in advance.




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