Forums - Audio Mixer_paths.xml

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Audio Mixer_paths.xml
Join Date: 8 Mar 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2016-03-08 13:03

I wonder if there is anyone who tried mixer_paths.xml to change sound input paths and output paths with a streaming music.

Following is my case.

Phone A <----> Phone B <------ Phone C
Above A, B has a existing phone call going on. And phone C is streaming music to Phone B, and Phone A can hear the music on his end. It is not necessary to play music on Phone B's side, the ultimate goal here is to transfer music from phone C to Phone A.
I tried to chang mixer_paths.xml, like following.

<path name="voice-speaker">
<path name="speaker-lite" />
<ctl name="SLIM RX1 MUX" value="AIF1_PB" />
<ctl name="SLIM RX2 MUX" value="AIF1_PB" />
<ctl name="SLIM_0_RX Channels" value="Two" />
<ctl name="RX2 MIX1 INP1" value="RX1" />
<ctl name="RX3 MIX1 INP1" value="RX2" />
<ctl name="RDAC4 MUX" value="DEM2" />
<ctl name="RDAC5 MUX" value="DEM4" />
<ctl name="LINEOUT1 Volume" value="14" />
<ctl name="LINEOUT2 Volume" value="14" />

but, it the sound from Phone C still doesn't go to Phone A. I would appreciate if someone can give me a pointer. As a matter of fact, I am not sure what <ctl name="SLIM_0_RX Channels" value="Two" /> or <ctl name="RX2 MIX1 INP1" value="RX1" /> or <ctl name="RDAC4 MUX" value="DEM2" /> means that much.

If this is not the right place please redirect me to a right place.
Thank you.


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Join Date: 27 May 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2016-11-21 21:22

Hi ,

I assume the mixer_path.xml is on Phone B , you haven't mentioned Tx(capturing part) from phone C.


<ctl name="SLIM_0_RX Channels" value="Two" />  ==> 2 slim rx ( speaker playback)of 0 has been enabled.

Other commands even I am not sure, But Mux will select one DME2 channel among multiple DAC4 inputs.






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