Forums - how to normalization of the 3-channel image from fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32

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how to normalization of the 3-channel image from fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32
Join Date: 13 May 22
Posts: 11
Posted: Thu, 2022-06-02 02:04

can anyone tell me how to normalization for a 3-channel float data? how can I set the stride?  src or dst are all should 3-channel. 

what does patchWidth, patchHeight used for?, how to use fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32

FASTCV_API fcvStatus fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32(const float32_t *__restrict src,

uint32_t srcWidth,
uint32_t srcHeight,
uint32_t srcStride,
uint32_t patchWidth,
uint32_t patchHeight,
uint32_t useStdDev,
float32_t *__restrict dst,
uint32_t dstStride 
int src_stride = w*3*4;
int dst_stride = w*3*4;
fcvStatus status = fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32(src, w, h, src_stride, w, h, 1, dst, dst_stride);
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jeff4s Moderator
Join Date: 4 Nov 12
Posts: 106
Posted: Thu, 2022-06-02 09:44


The API fcvNormalizeLocalBoxf32 expects single channel data. If you can treat your 3-channel data as single channel then you can use it.

Patch defines the box in which the data is normalized by the stats of the box. It works like a sliding window.



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