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face recognition
Join Date: 29 Jan 21
Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 2021-01-29 01:15

void fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16(const uint8_t *__restrict src,  unsigned int srcWidth,  unsigned int srcHeight,  unsigned int srcStride,  int16_t *__restrict dx,  int16_t *__restrict dy  )

i am new to fastcv. i am caclulating gradient matrix in x direction and y direction using above api. but i don't know how to pass parameter

here src means input image how to pass digital image there. should i pass array of pixel values or image pointer. srcStride dx and dy what value i need to give. If there is any code snippets please share and tell how to give parameter to the above api.

Thank you in advance

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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 2021-03-23 04:14


Please use  fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v3 instead.

src is the pointer for image buffer. fill it as follows:

#define  src_image_width 640
#define  src_image_height 480
#define src_bpp 2 //bit per pixel, 2, 3 etc
int read_buffer_size  = src_image_width * src_image_height * src_bpp;
//allocate read_buffer
uint8_t *src   = new uint8_t[read_buffer_size];
//read and fill from file - example. src_image_path points to a file with yuv/rgb data 
FILE *f_src = fopen(src_image_path, "rb");
fread(src, sizeof(uint8_t), read_buffer_size, f_src);

In this case srcStride will be src_image_width * src_bpp

srcStride =  640 * 2


dx and dy are destination buffers where horizontal and vertical gradient will be stored

#define dst_bpp 2 //bit per pixel, 2, 3 etc
#define  dst_image_width 640
#define  dst_image_height 480
dstStride = dst_image_width * dst_bpp
//allocate gradient buffers
uint16_t *dx   = new uint16_t[dst_image_width * dst_image_height];
uint16_t *dy   = new uint16_t[dst_image_width * dst_image_height];


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