Forums - Can not build a shared library based on libfastcv.a

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Can not build a shared library based on libfastcv.a
Join Date: 13 Mar 19
Posts: 12
Posted: Mon, 2019-10-21 22:14


I have a project which will build a shared library rather than a executable. I want to use fastCV as cv::remap in my code is very time-consuming.

So I added fastcv to buid my .so but some errer happened during compiling.

The error is as following:

fcvImageSegmentationRegionGrowR_' which may bind externally can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC /home/worker/Sof/fastcv-1.7.1/lib/64-bit/libfastcv.a(libfastcv_la-fastcv.o): In function
uRNull()': /usr/src/debug/fastcv-noship/git-r0/fastcv-noship/src/common/fastcv.cpp:1723:(.text+0x0): dangerous relocation: unsupported relocation

It seems that libfastcv.a is not build with "-fPIC" so libfastcv.a can not be used to build a shared library. If so, will Qualcomm release a version build with -fPIC?

Thanks in advance!



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Join Date: 29 May 18
Posts: 58
Posted: Tue, 2021-01-26 06:53


please check if information at following link can help:

Else let us know the platform where you are trying to build

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