Forums - HOG SVM Implementation Problems

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HOG SVM Implementation Problems
Join Date: 24 Apr 19
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2019-04-24 07:08
Hello, I am trying to implement a SVM with Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) using FastCV APIs and I have a few questions:
I use for testing purposes a 16x16 grayscale image loaded with OpenCV and coverted in a uint8_t pointer.
I successfully extracted xbuffer and ybuffer using fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16
int16_t* xbuffer = (int16_t*)malloc(size * sizeof(int16_t));
memset(xbuffer, 0, (size * sizeof(int16_t)));
int16_t* ybuffer = (int16_t*)malloc(size * sizeof(int16_t));
memset(ybuffer, 0, (size * sizeof(int16_t)));
//Calculate the gradient vector in the X and Y direction
fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16(pixels, width, height, 0, xbuffer, ybuffer);
After that I used those buffers to obtain strength gradient vector and orientation gradient vector:
//Strength gradient vector
int16_t* strength = (int16_t*)malloc(size * sizeof(int16_t));
memset(strength, 0, (size * sizeof(int16_t)));
int magnitudeCod = fcvMagnitudes16(xbuffer, width, height, 0, ybuffer, 0, strength, 0);
//Orientation gradient vector
uint8_t* orientation = (uint8_t*)malloc(size * sizeof(uint8_t));
memset(orientation, 0, (size * sizeof(int16_t)));
int angleCod = fcvPhases16(xbuffer, width, height, 0, ybuffer, 0, orientation, 0);
I noticed that my orientation vector has values between 0 and 255 (from documentation) so I will use FASTCV_HOG_NORM_FHOG
After that I convert those to uint16_t* so I can use them with fcvExtractHOGu16
The parameters for HOG:
//HOG Parameters
uint32_t widthHOG = 16;
uint32_t heightHOG = 16;
uint32_t strengthStride = 0;
uint32_t orientationStride = 0;
uint32_t cellSize = 4;
uint32_t blockSize = 4;
uint32_t blockStep = 4;
uint32_t binSize = 9;
fcvHOGNormMethod normMethod = FASTCV_HOG_NORM_FHOG;
uint32_t flen = 0;
void* handle;
uint32_t vec_length = 0;
int codInit = fcvHOGInit(widthHOG, heightHOG, cellSize, blockSize, blockStep, binSize, normMethod, &vec_length, &handle);
Iout << "Length of vector: "<<vec_length<<endl; 
//Length of vector: 128
First Question: Why the length of the vector is 128, I expected to be 144 because there are 9 bins and the blockSize is equal to cellSize so the image will be splitted in 16 cells
with dimensions 4 x 4, and for each cell should be 9 bins, so that's why I expected to be 144 = 9 * 16.
And the biggest problem is that 128 is not divisible by 9 (number of bins), and that's why I need to ask, are those bins?
Second Question: What are the parameters flen and handle? They do not appear in the documentation
Observation: fcvGetHOGVectorLengthu32 method does not exist
After that I tried to obtain the descriptor vector from strength and orientation using fcvExtractHOGu16
uint16_t* hogVector = (uint16_t*)malloc(vec_length * sizeof(uint16_t));
memset(hogVector, 0, (vec_length * sizeof(uint16_t)));
int codExtract = fcvExtractHOGu16(strengthTemp, width, height, strengthStride, orientationTemp, orientationStride, cellSize, blockSize, blockStep, binSize, normMethod, hogVector, flen, handle);
Iout <<"Extract Code: "<< codExtract <<endl;
Third Question: What are the values inside the hogVector and is correct that the size is equal to vec_length?
Fourth Question: We need to normalize the values inside the hogVector somehow?
Fifth Question: Is there need to use that void* handle somehow beside deallocation?
The next step would be to take that descriptor vector and use it inside fcvSVMPredict2Classf32 as vec parameter and with my support vectors obtained from a libsvm model as sv parameter
Sixth Question: How do we use hogVector from fcvExtractHOGu16 in fcvSVMPredict2Classf32 because hogVector is of type uint16_t* and in the fcvSVMPredict2Classf32 we need float32_t*, again we need to normalize?
Every function used until now returns FASTCV_SUCCESS, but we don't know clearly what is the output because it is not explained in documentation
Thank you in advance for your answers,
Adrian Iordache
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Join Date: 20 Nov 20
Posts: 3
Posted: Fri, 2021-01-29 23:53


what are thr parameter r u passing in fcvImageGradientSobelPlanars16_v2(), in that what is const uint8_t *__restrict src, what dx and dy containing.

Thank you in advance

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