Forums - Starting CV project on SBC

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Starting CV project on SBC
Join Date: 6 Nov 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2015-11-06 04:10

I recently got access to an inforce 6540 SBC to do a computer vision project with applications in virtual reality. 

My experience in CV and software in general is just writing code in visual studio on windows with an understanding of the necessary algorithms. Developing on another platform is where I get stuck. The board is running a linaro linux distribution, and I have little to no experience with linux. 

My goal is to do some marker tracking to start with, but I do not know how to begin setting up the project. Should I download an IDE on the board and create an application that way? Or is it better to write the software on a workstation and flash it across somehow (my understanding here is limited, im mostly just repeating words here). 

Apologies for the noob question, but I would appreciate some help to get started. 

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Join Date: 23 Dec 16
Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 2016-12-23 00:49

If you got access to an inforce single board computer to do a computer vision project with applications in virtual reality. You can go to this site to consult experts, they can help you.

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