Forums - Wrong result when using the fastCV haar transformation function

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Wrong result when using the fastCV haar transformation function
Join Date: 11 Oct 15
Posts: 1
Posted: Sun, 2015-10-11 22:05

Hi I try to do the haar wavelet transformation with my Y channel image data(a single plane image), I use the function fcvDWTHaaru8(ySrc,yWidth,yHeight,yStride,yDst,yWidth*sizeof(int16_t));

here ySrc is the pointer to my Y buffer and the data type is unit8*;

yWidth,yHeight,yStride is my image width,height and stride, yWidth = 4160, yheight = 3120 and yStride = 4160;

I apply a new buffer to store my transfromed result, int16_t* yDst = (int16_t*) malloc(yBuffersize*sizeof(int16_t)), yBuffersize is the size of  Y image buffer;

for the last param, I follow the instruction from this function, it should be the "srcWidth * sizeof(int16_t)"  (yWidth*sizeof(int16_t));

but when I dump the result from my mobile phone and use the YUV viewer software to check it (I  just do 1 level decomposition),

(LL,LH,HL,HH) the LH,HL,HH parts look OK, but there is no image info for the LL part, this LL part is all black in the YUV viewer,

I do not know how to figure out this problem, if anyone can help me? thanks  



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jeff4s Moderator
Join Date: 4 Nov 12
Posts: 106
Posted: Mon, 2015-10-12 16:24


LL occupies top left quadrant of the output image. If the other parts look good most likely LL will be good too. Can you check with a different image viewer?




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