Forums - Shader Compiler Segfault

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Shader Compiler Segfault
Join Date: 26 Jul 22
Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 2022-08-04 18:34


I am trying to use a shader that is causing the adreno shader compiler to segfault. I have published a reproduction example with both the wgsl and compiled spirv vertex shaders. The shader has an entry point called "vertex_fn"

Please let me know if I can provide any more information to help debug this.



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Join Date: 9 Dec 13
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Posted: Fri, 2022-09-02 08:29

What is the shader compiler issue details?

What platform? what GFX driver/Compiler version? what exact shader code?

Bob Du

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Join Date: 26 Jul 22
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Posted: Sat, 2022-11-12 18:23

In my post I link to a GitHub with both the wgsl and spirv that crashes the compiler (the compiler segfaults). We had a discussion on a development discord about what seems to be triggering the issue in the compiler

Please let me know if I can provide any additional information.

Thank you,


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Join Date: 9 Dec 13
Posts: 72
Posted: Tue, 2022-11-29 22:55

Dear Customer

Can you post your discussion in this forum, then we can easiy check the discussion history?

Also can you check what is your current driver/compiler version on your device?

adb shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger | grep GLES

or you can provide one complete logcat log when you reproduce the issue.

Bob Du

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