Forums - Global memory size in OpenCL can be changed ?

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Global memory size in OpenCL can be changed ?
Join Date: 23 Oct 21
Posts: 1
Posted: Tue, 2021-11-16 00:27

H/W : SD888 dev kit 

S/W : Android 11  + C/C++ OpenCL 

I trying to make some native C/C++ OpenCL program for our DNN operations. Since that is very memory intense model(PyNET), we focus on memory management  feature. 

One question is "what is precise size of global memory which I can use in program ?" 

When I just received dev kit, I check basic information about OpenCL using bellow app. (That is just wrapper of clinfo)


This app said "GLOBAL_MEM_SIZE : 59xxxxxxxx" (almost 6GB), so I think, "this board have total 12GB memory, and alloc half of them to GPU...."

But when I test using real code, my program report that global memory size is 4.3GB. 

 I know adreno intergrated GPU share same physical memory with CPU, but who manage it ? kernel ? 

Even so, that can be changed by system status ? 

I want to know maxium value, can I suppose the first value, 5.9GB checked just after booting, is max memory ?




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Join Date: 9 Dec 13
Posts: 72
Posted: Fri, 2022-02-11 07:19

Can you run clinfo to get the output log to me check?

Bob Du

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