Forums - Expected performance for OpenCL on Adreno 320?

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Expected performance for OpenCL on Adreno 320?
Join Date: 12 Aug 15
Posts: 9
Posted: Sat, 2015-08-29 10:41

I'm toying with using OpenCL on the Snapdragon platform and have been looking at the performance benefit on my Adreno 320 platform (Snapdragon 600AB). In a classic matrix multiply, I can only get about 0.5Gflops out of the GPU having varied group and tile sizes whereas a single CPU core gets me 1.3Gflops with the same code.

I realize that Gflops aren't the best measure and code often needs to be tuned to the platform, etc. but I'm wondering what kind of performance I should expect. I was expecting a few 10s of Gflops, but perhaps up to 1Gflop is more correct if not disappointing. Does anyone have a datapoint on this platform for performance that would either confirm or deny my investigatory results?

I was using the Intel GEMM sample for my experiments:

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Join Date: 12 Aug 15
Posts: 9
Posted: Mon, 2015-08-31 12:42

Data from OpenCL on other Adreno GPUs would also be interesting. I'm trying to get a data point on what to expect.

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Join Date: 12 Aug 15
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2015-09-03 14:21

Anybody? Seems like OpenCL development on the Adreno GPU is pretty much non-existent compared to NVidia, AMD, etc.

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