Forums - All my device can not be detected most of the time

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All my device can not be detected most of the time
Join Date: 16 Jun 15
Posts: 5
Posted: Mon, 2015-07-06 23:34


I met an issue that all my devices cannot connect to Adreno Profiler very well.

I need to use this tool very urgent, and I went through all the same topics in the forum, tried the solution someone mentioned, still does not work.

Please help me. Thanks you so much!


Devices: Nexus 5(5.0) / Samsung S5(5.0) / MI 3(4.4)

PC: Win7

Adreno Profiler: 4.0.5511


The step I tried:

1. Launch app that will be test on the device(such as: chrome or a game)

2. Launch Adreno Profiler -> Click “Connect” option

3. Observed that the “Running Application” list on “Connect” window is empty.

4. Click “Refresh” button for many time, the list is still empty.

5. Try to enter one device’s IP into “IP” field and click “Refresh” button

6. The “Running Application” list on “Connect” window is still empty


Sometimes wait a long time the device can be connected, and use for a while, then change to another device then change back, or re-connect the same device, it can not be connected anymore

I think is not the problem with my drive, because the device can be connected a few times.

Most of the time, the device cannot connect to the Adreno Profiler



1. The network for PC and phones are OK

2. Also tried to add following two lines to Assets/Plugins/Android/AndroidManifest.xml inside the <manifest> tag, the issue still exits.

   <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

   <uses-permission android:name="com.qti.permission.PROFILER" />

3. No other instances of adb running

4. USB debugging is enabled on the phone, use “adb devices” can see the phone

5. There is a "" file located in "system/vendor/lib/egl"

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Join Date: 16 Jun 15
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2015-07-09 02:28

More infomation:

The app can be connected after I launched a game like:Minion Rush

But the app which I want to test can not be connected, such like a browser, a map

Need something need to be added in the app?

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Join Date: 16 Jun 15
Posts: 5
Posted: Thu, 2015-07-09 03:14

Seems my issue is resolved.

the reason that why the tested app, such like chrome can not be connected is that the app is not moving after lauched.

when I make the app elements moving, the Adreno Profiler can detect it.

I will verify it tomorrow.

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mhfeldma Moderator
Join Date: 29 Nov 12
Posts: 310
Posted: Fri, 2015-07-10 07:03

Generally you'll be able to connect with the profiler if the game is started after the profiler is waiting to connect, and if there is rendering detected (GL updating).  If you game/app is not rendering, forcing a render by making an interaction might be needed.

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