Forums - Unity plugin support arm64-v8a?

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Unity plugin support arm64-v8a?
Join Date: 15 Sep 20
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2020-09-21 00:42

As  the topic shown above, will the untiy plugin support arm64-v8a in the next version?

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Join Date: 10 Jun 24
Posts: 1
Posted: Mon, 2024-06-10 22:53

Hello, @xuke 

Most Unity plugins are designed to support multiple architectures, including arm64-v8a, which is commonly used in modern Android devices. This architecture provides improved performance and compatibility with 64-bit processors. Plugin developers often ensure compatibility with arm64-v8a to cater to a wide range of devices and maximize the reach of their plugins among users. Therefore, unless explicitly stated otherwise by the plugin developer, you can generally expect Unity plugins to support arm64-v8a along with other architectures.

I hope this will be helpful for you



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